cobalt pet shortwave / mediumwave weblog

04 May 2008

taiwan reconsidering north american shortwave broadcasting

A reader named Chuck E. wrote:
Weatherall and all SWLs,

We have a big problem. Radio Taiwan Int'l has just revealed that their management is considering ENDING SHORTWAVE BROADCASTS TO THE USA on 5950 and 9680. They are seeking listener comments on this. We can't let this happen, RTI is one of the best SW broadcasters we have left. Here is the contact email for comments on this:

Please ask RTI to continue SW transmissions!
I agree that RTI is one of the best shortwave broadcasters. Taiwan isn't just a normal place, it is facing tensions from China over issues of ownership and independence. I've mentioned here before that I won't listen to a station's internet broadcast once their shortwave broadcast goes away.

My letter has been sent to the above address, and those of you who enjoy RTI's content via shortwave broadcasting are encouraged to also send them a message.